Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation
How does a concussion affect your vision?
Concussions and head injuries can affect your vision in several ways. Common visual problems and symptoms following a brain injury include:
Blurred or double vision
Difficulties shifting focus between far and near objects
Light sensitivity
Decreased attention to visual detail
Difficulties with reading or following a moving objects
Losing place while reading
Sensitivity to visual motion
Eyestrain and headaches
Sensitivity to light
Reduced eye-hand coordination
These symptoms may result from damage to the brain's visual processing centres or from temporary changes in the way the brain and eyes work together. In many cases, visual symptoms following a concussion can be temporary, but they can also persist for weeks or months after the injury.
More information can be found on the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association website.

What are the treatment options?
Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is a individualized treatment plan for people with visual deficits resulting from traumatic brain injuries or other neurological condition. The vision deficits are often associated with poor eye teaming, focusing, tracking, and visual processing.
Various therapies and activities are prescribed throughout a Neuro-Optometric Therapy program that retrain the neural processes of the brain through specific visual exercises. This process involves neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to continuously change and adapt. As with other rehabilitation methods, early intervention is essential to ensure optimal recovery.
Depending on the type and severity of the deficits, a unique treatment plan is developed to reduce the visual symptoms and difficulties. Treatments typically include specialized glasses as well as neuro-rehabilitation procedures. These eye-training exercises reduce symptoms and promote visual recovery. We work together to reduce double vision, and improve balance, gait, visual memory, motor skills, and visual information processing.
While it is critical to address visual problems early, it is important to consider all rehabilitation needs following a concussion or head injury. A multidisciplinary team approach is recommended to ensure the best rehabilitation.